My Boss Has Faith in Me

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I have a really great boss. He saw something in me, realized I had potential, when other companies were telling me thanks, but no thanks when I applied. He said he saw something though, and he started me off as an administrative assistant. I worked my way up through the years, which was no small deal since I don’t have a lot of education under my belt. When my boss asked me if I would be interested in taking an online MBA course, I got super excited about it for a very specific reason.

Like I said, I like my boss a lot. He took a chance on me when no one else did. He has groomed me in every position. However, the next level up required more business savvy than I had. My boss tried to help me as much as he could, but we were both getting frustrated. He is a great boss, but he lacks severely as an educator. He even admitted this, which is why he looked for an online alternative. He knew that in order for me to get my next promotion, I needed more business knowledge than I possessed.

He found a great site that has a condensed learning of the most important business concepts. Just because it was a shortened version and one I could mostly do at my own pace did not mean that it was a piece of cake. I had to study, and I had to really apply myself to all of the work that was involved. By the end of the course, I knew that I had learned valuable information that would align me with the promotion that my boss wanted to give to me. I am just so happy that he took this chance on me, because I would never have found the success I have now without his faith in me.


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